Saturday, January 10, 2009


In the first paragraph it illustrates the places where megacities located and what it looks it describes the condition of living in megacities, the tallest buildings or skyscrapers, riding with high-tech and expensive cars and shopping in pricey boutiques and stores. It also differentiates living in urban and rural areas.

In the second paragraph it illustrates that in the upcoming years most of the people will live on urban areas or in megacities. And livings in urban areas are improving better in terms of quality of life and life expectancy is concern.

In the third paragraph it states that life in megacities or urban areas is a current problem now in many areas because of the rapid growth of population. They sought to limit the migrating people.

Friday, December 19, 2008

reaction in megacities

Megacities is the modern city on our new generation today.
Many megacities in reach some are moderate in reach.
The important of this is the quality of life in such megapolises
is proving better than what was once predicted.Many people
says that "Urban explosion is changing the way people live.
Because many opportunities you can get in urban city,like
jobs,education,high technology and also your life becoming
better.Life expectancy is generally longer in the big cities
than in smaller ones or in the countryside.But the main cause
of this ,is the population grows bigger,there will be more demand
for supplies because many people migrated in the urban cities.
Also we can get more kinds of pollution like burning plastics,
dirt from plantation and etc.We can obviate that by recycling
the materials and we can used it in good ways.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas and New Year Greetings To all!

Dear III-Maunawain students,


Reflections of Megacities

My reaction in paragraph 1, row upon row of cardboard and corrugated metal shacks propped in the shadow of gleaming skyscrapers and bony children in Calcutta playing half-naked in the mud beneath a haze of smoke. In the big cities, you can see the business people close deals over four-course lunches and make tennis dates on their cellular phones.There are well-heeled shoppers hands and limos with tinted windows vie with rickshaws for position on teeming streets. This can be seen that urban planners and environmentalists, often speaking in apocalyptic overtones, have warned for decades would overtake us all.
In paragraph 2, the future is coming to pass, at long last the surprising news is that it may not be so bad after all. The world's megacities places and that are home for more than 10 million people are expected to more than double in the next few years, from 12 to 25 million by the turn of the century. And this will mark at the first time in the history that a clear majority of the earth's inhabitants will live in the urban areas. By some expert reckonings, 55% of the globe already does. More important is the quality of life in such megapolises is proving better than what was once predicted. Life expectancy is generally longer in the big cities than in smaller ones or in the countryside.And cities tend to offer superior medical care, greater educational opportunities, and more jobs.
And also in the paragraph 3, In the life in the city has led to dramatic reversal in the way policy planners are addressing the problems of rapid urbanization. Rather than fucos their efforts on stemming the tide of rural poor to the cities, they will concentrate on making those cities better places to live in.